Guess what?! I know you've all been scratching your puzzlers puzzling over when you can buy tickets to the premiere of Cartogoraphasia, but fret no more! Tickets to all Live Arts and Philly Fringe show are now available, and you can buy them here!
Also, the good folks at the Live Arts/Philly Fringe offices have been keeping up a snazzy blog, full of bright colors and cool fonts and whatnot. On this blog you can browse the virtual Festival Guide and check out what shows you want to see in addition to Cartogoraphasia (we're on p. 97).
And as one last teaser ... with script in hand/head, fancy lights, and temporary costumes flying, rehearsals are becoming more and more photographable. Check out some teasers below and visit our photo album on Picasa.
Until then....
Lots of Love,