Jessie, Emma, Louis, Eric, Isa, Sam and Nell

Jessie, Emma, Louis, Eric, Isa, Sam and Nell
Click on the photo to check out more pictures of Telephone Bronco

Thursday, September 30, 2010

One Last Chance to See Cartogoraphasia!

It's not over yet! The good news is, in light of Cartogoraphasia's success, the Swarthmore Theater Department has asked us to bring the show to Swarthmore and perform Cartogoraphasia in the Frear Ensemble Theater. The performance will take place on Friday, October 1st and begin at 8pm. The show runs about 80 minutes and afterwards we will host a talk-back in case any audience members have questions about the process of creating, writing, directing and performing this piece together.

Our performance at Swarthmore will be FREE to audience members, and we'd love to have support from the community. If you missed the show when it was in Philly, want to see it again, or simply want to tell your friends to go, we'd greatly appreciate it!



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